In December 2022, the DAWC launched a 4-part series of reflective and constructive conversations on improving life overall for Black people living in the City of Detroit. This program consists of a virtual, conversational series where DAWC members will facilitate conversations focused on topics impacting our local community. This program is funded in part by the Michigan Humanities, an affiliate of the National Endowment of the Humanities.
Interviews discussing the rich history of the Detroit Association of Women’s Clubs, Black mental health and the gaming industry, community organizing, and connection are all topics on the plate. This is an opportunity to inspire passionate and committed existing and new leaders in our neighborhoods. Our hope is to leave our participants equipped with knowledge and resources focused on the most pertinent challenges in the urban space.

Check out our Instagram (@dawc1941) to see our most recent interview with DAWC Historian, Cidney Calloway. Mark your calendars for our next virtual interview release on January 21st via our Instagram and Facebook page where we’ll be engaging in dialogue with Brandii Hooker, Founder of Brown Girl Gamer Code.
If you’d like to give us feedback on this programming, please use the link at the button below.